Win First in the Mind
A performance psychology Master Course for coaches
Prior to beginning the course
Lesson 1 - Overview of this Master Course
Lesson 2 - Why do we start with the Science?
Lesson 3 - Why is “emotion” a part of performance?
Lesson 4 - “No fear” vs “know fear”
Lesson 5 - Gorilla v The Human
Lesson 6 - Real fear, perceived fear, and the patterns they create
Chapter 1 - Review
Line-drive:Fear reaction
Real vs Perceived Fear
Field of Grass
Lesson 1- "Master attention and you master the mind"
Lesson 2 - The 3 core-principles of Mental Strength
Lesson 3 - To accept or to deny?
Lesson 4 - How thoughts, emotions, and behaviors connect and then impact your performance?
Lesson 5 - Harnessing attention to build greater resiliency!
Lesson 6 - Review
Lesson 1 - Why judgment happens
Lesson 2 - The “Pack animal” effect.
Lesson 3 - What is Judgment?
Lesson 4 - The Two Truths:
Lesson 5 - Review:
Lesson 1 - Reactive mind v Responsive mind for long-term motivation
Lesson 2: Defining Motivation
Lesson 3: Creating Purpose
Lesson 4 - Developing Your Personal Mission Statement:
Lesson 5 - review:
Lesson 1: WIN = Elite-Self
Lesson 2: Creating your Elite-Self Vision
Lesson 3 - Be Intentional:
Lesson 4 - Review:
Lesson 1 - Two Minds of Performance
Lesson 2 - How Do We Strengthen These Minds to Work Together?
Lesson 3 - Developing our “mindset workouts”
Lesson 4 - How to build your practice:
Mindset Workout - audio sample
Lesson 1 - Mental Mastery takes work too!
Lesson 2 - Be mentally prepared to face whatever happens to you
Lesson 3 - From Emotion TO (re)focus TO performance execution - 3 Count Recovery System
Lesson 4 - review:
Frank Vogel, Coach of the LA Lakers - "Past, Breathe, Present"
Lesson 1: Why is Trust important?
Lesson 2 - The “Trust Equation”
Lesson 3: Exercise - Developing YOUR Trust Equation
Simon Sinek on Trusting Teams
Lesson 1: Understanding how the Win First in the Mind System will work
Lesson 2 - The Foundation for “Habits that Stick”
Lesson 3 - What you need to understand about the obstacles of building of positive habits:
Lesson 4 - Things to remember about forming new successful habits:
Lesson 5 - Review: